Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Industrial Light & Magic home movie" by David Berry 1976-1978



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Bryon. It's great to see a wonderful working family.

    It was around 1977-78 when I saw a behind the sceens documentary on "Star Wars" and that was when I became aware of the effects team's effort at Apogee. Seeing thier effort had started me on a path to build miniatures for the motion picture industry a career.

    CUT TO:

    I graduated high school in 1986 and started to look find out about how get into building motion picture miniatures. So I researched who was well known for theie effects contribution to "Star Wars" and Richard Edlund's name came up. After several cover letters; resumes and photos of my work I finally landed my first job at Edlund's Boss Films as a production assistant. Thus starting me on my career.

    Over my ten years in that industry I was very fortunate to work with several of my 'heros' who I became friends with and MANY more amazing and talented artists.

    Great industry... good people.

    Tom G.
